Would be great knowing if there is any early live material available/circulating, or if this period of Pulp is a lost one? Are referring to material in any form around Seperations or earlier, whole concerts or parts of concerts. Any kind of info would be very welcome!
Hmmm, I have quite a bit of Separations-era on C90, but sadly don't have the tech to convert to digital format. & I might have one earlier than that, but sound quality is poor & again, can't convert my C90s, sorry! But in ansa to your question, yeah, there's plenty! Loads, even.
Just the kind of a reply I was hoping for....Would have been absolutely dreadful knowing that this period wasnt captured on tape, since I have always wondered how the Seperations stuff sounded live....Will keep searchin in a lot better mood for finally get that music.....Your info much appreciated James, thanks a lot!