Hang The DJs is an indie night i have started in Newcastle. I obviously play a fair share of Pulp & Jarvis. If there's anyone around here, located nearby - we are in Stepney's Bar in Newcastle from 8pm this Monday. Visit http://www.myspace.com/myhangthedjs for some more info!
Also on a side... I'd love to do a Pulp nite! and I'd happily travel to somewhere like say... hmmmm... Sheffield to do so!
I'm sure with Manners and Steven around these day a union would be right and proper!
Thought I'd say hello & all that. Pulp night in Sheffield, you'd have to give me loads of notice, I live in Cornwall. Anyway I go up to Sheffield every now again to see my daughter Emily & my Mum. I reckon me & Leila would be up for it though, we like a pint & a chinwag. regards Steven http://www.myspace.com/thefridaynightband
I'd definately be interested. However, I do live in Berkshire, so I'm not promising I'd be able to go. A proper Pulp nite'd be great tho', would you play RM or any solo stuff too?