I suggested on the blog that it could be a hidden bonus track. I mean, you're a dedicated fan, after all, and it does have rhythm. It's not too hard on the ears or anything.
I suggested on the blog that it could be a hidden bonus track. I mean, you're a dedicated fan, after all, and it does have rhythm. It's not too hard on the ears or anything.
Hahaha. Thanks, that would be great! But, I think if it makes the cut it must be said that I used some samples of this site called: www.miniorgan.org
This is the sound of someone losing the plot, making out that they are okay when they are not. You're gonna like it, but not a lot.
a friend did a version of Seconds with alternate lyrics that were inspired by a girlfriend that wouldn't sleep with him, then slept with anyone. it's not quite a cover, but it's pulp-ish. i could put it in the bar italia account if anyone's interested in hearing it. just a warning: it's really vicious. and an embarrassing amount of effort went into it.
This brings up a question....how will we decide whose tracks make the cut...or will there be a cut? Something to ponder over the weekend.
It's easy - the good one's make it, the shit one's don't!
I would have suggested a couple of erm... judges - but i'd like to keep it amoung this board and given the largest concentration of Pulp fans on the internet gathers dust here - i think we should wait till we get all the tracks then put them all up for the vote on here.
a friend did a version of Seconds with alternate lyrics that were inspired by a girlfriend that wouldn't sleep with him...
that is awesome! my last break-up inspired a remake of pink glove, the favourite line being 'and i'm pretty sure that you're joking / or does screaming in french get you going...'
being nasty was never this fun before.
only trying to give you what you've come to expect
My recording of Little Girl ebbs nearer. Have a friend staying at the moment, who keeps downloading recording software and insisting it's better. It's fantastic, I know, but isn't my style. Save perhaps for a bit of mastering & percussion. It's a bit dancey for me, see...so I'm waiting for him to go so I can get my DAW, moniters and mixing desk out and do it mmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I'm also working on We Can Dance Again, but that's more of a live thing. Frisko2000 I'm about to go and listen to your friend's track. Idea sounds great!
i'm not sure. the whole thing was done secretly and "released" as his "christmas single" last year. the christmas before, he recorded a Cramps song with alternate lyrics about another girl. anyway, i'll ask him and get back to you.
Yeah I'm still up for it. Currently I'm now running things from a solo Space here:
'Cuckoo Song' isn't there at the minute but UI'll get it up to download this week. But yeah, I'm definitely up for it and I really want to do 'Cuckoo Song'.
If I can get my soundcard to play nicely (Linux and Vista are currently laughing and pointing at it) then I'll be up for doing something. It might well be instrumental/spoken word though, cos I can't sing for toffee!
My girlfriend and I just decided to make a dance-punk band, so I'm writing songs for that, and this Pulp project is the furthest thing from my mind. I tend to jump around from one thing to another a lot. It's a bad habit.
Is this still on offer? I'd do something for this. Not noticed it before!
I tried doing a project similar to this back in '97 or '98 or so. Got a few tracks for it togethe from various people...but god knows where any of them are now!