Hey, a while back some of you were talking about a disc of demos from this era, stuff like Cuckoo etc. Does anyone know where I can hear them, or can anyone upload? Could really do with a hit of 'new' Pulp.
I'm quite confident that they will see the light of day at some stage. Going on the recent Pitchfork interview Jarvis seems to be keen. If by 2012 (by which time 10 years will have elapsed since We Love Life's release), a deluxe edition has not been released, we should petition Universal (who will have probably either become part of a record company conglomerate or gone bust) for the unreleased songs. Unless familys and careers have shunted Pulp into a neglected corner of our lives of course and www.pulp.gb.com is just a faded memory of misspent time...
Seriously though I'm sure we will hear them one day, possibly through piggy-backing on a Pulp comeback.
Both sets really! I don't see why Island/Universal whatever can't sell them on iTunes. Or a site of their own. A little more turnover for next to nothing, silly not to really. Not like a record company to turn down free money! They must be holding out just to piss us off. Silly sods...
Maybe Pulp / Jarvis have expressed their wish for them not to be released. Which he has a right to do.
It is very frustrating not to hear these lost songs. But maybe they are SHIT... reading "Treuth and Beauty" some members of Pulp seem to think that "Don't Lose it" and "You Are The One" to be great, "lost classics". I think not. With refference to the aforementioned tracks now actually in light of day, I'd say that a bit of dewy eyed nostalgic comment is very easy to say about unheard songs. If they really were AMAZING they would'nt be unreleased...or would they? "Its a dirty World" is the only unheard track that really really suprised me.
Jock Mooney wrote:Maybe Pulp / Jarvis have expressed their wish for them not to be released. Which he has a right to do.
They're demos, so they were never intended for release in the first place. The band/label wouldn't need to take a specific decision for that stuff not to be heard; it's just the default state of affairs, same as all the extra stuff that got unearthed for the other reissues. However, from the recent Pitchfork interview it seems like Jarvis wouldn't mind these demos being released now.
As for Don't Lose It, I think it could've been a classic if they'd worked on it properly and finished it. The demo sounds like they'd just come up with the basic idea and laid it down before they'd had chance to spend much time on it, but the potential is clear, to me anyway.
I can imagine them thinking they had two songs, this and Mis-Shapes, that sounded pretty similar, and deciding it'd be best to include either one or the other on the album, not both, and therefore dropping the one that they haven't quite finished yet. See also Grandfather's Nursery, which I suspect would have been a cert for We Love Life if they hadn't already written Sunrise and Birds.
"Yes I saw her in the chip shop / so I said get yer top off"