If you ask me, he sounds like he lost it about 10 years ago. 'Scorpio Rising' is ok but the rest of it just sounds like something the Pet Shop Boys forgot to record.
Or simply chose not to; the Pet Shop Boys have some ace music. I actually think it's quite sad that both Brett and Bernard have so completely lost track of reality. The ridiculous hype of fifteen years ago (of which they were ALMOST worthy) seems to have given them a sense of pop infallibility, despite their failure to thrill an audience in, as you say, ten years. "When they were good they were really good, but when they were bad they went to pieces."
Dangerous subject around here though, some posters have been known to commit wanton acts of real violence at the very mention of Brett's name.
If you ask me, he sounds like he lost it about 10 years ago....
You could be describing the thoughts of some about Monsieur Cocker. Not me I hasten to add, I think Jarvis has only lost it for about 5 years
As for Brett, New Morning aside, I think prior to his current outing [I have yet to hear it, but thought the single was good] he has by and large been one of the better artists to come out of the whole Britpop movement. I have seen Suede a few times and think Brett is a great entertainer, and has a large number of very impressive tracks including the recent work as The Tears. All artists have their highs and lows, and his output has been more good than bad. Personally I wish there were more Bretts around.
Brett's head has dissapeared so far up his own arse I doubt it will ever be out again.
The album varies from O.K - but dull as fuck ("Love is Dead, "Song for My Father") to shockingly bad rip your ears off dated horror ("Dust and Rain", "Intimacy", "One Lazy Morning", "The More We Possess...")
One Good song, "To The Winter" is a sub Suede string ballad that is looped beyond belief. It would have made a better single than Love is Dead - but Whoops - its Springtime.
I'm clearly in the minority here, but I really like this album. The Tears' album was kinda sub-standard (tho' the first single & its b-sides were misleadingly ace) and A New Mornig was badly produced and, well, just not very good. But Brett's new album really works for me. As does every Suede album before A New Morning. (Although I seem to be the only person on the planet who likes Head Music). In fact, Brett's latest is my favourite of the year so far, tho' Jarvis seems to want to get his next out as soon as he can, and Arctic Monkeys have one out really soon, so I'm sure this situation will be rectified!
I like Headmusic, its a good album, well the first 7 tracks are. It's Suede's "This is Hardcore" - both albums followed big poppy Brit pop albums that were the peak of both bands sales successes - Coming Up and Different Class.
It puzzles me how anyone could like the Brett Anderson album, it is shockingly bad.