I live in Philadelphia and am trying to figure out just how feasible getting to the New York shows will be. One of the issues is whether I can get there via public transport (preferred) or should just rent a car (eh). So my question to those of you who've seen one of the UK or European shows is: what time does Jarvis usually finish performing?
That's an odd question to ask here. Why don't you contact the venue? FYI - When I saw Pulp in NY, the doors opened at 7pm, we were treated to a really awful opening band, and Pulp probably took the stage around 10pm, but there was a really long wait between sets. You got the impression Pulp were really trying to juice the audience. We were probably out by 11:40, still early by New York standards.
If you have access to a car, consider driving to a NY airport and take a train into the city from there.
Don't most pubs and concert venues in the UK close before Midnight?