Great show - Jarvis danced and gyrated around as was expected! He looked quite good and comfortable. The gig was kicked off with Fat Children.
I was fortunate enough to be 3rd row from the stage though it did get very cramped as the crowd wanted to get as close as possible. (I was the brunette in the blue, orange and white polyester cowboy-style shirt, if anyone's interested). The ABC was a fairly decent venue overall - good acoustics and lights.
A drunken admirer did put a stop to some of the between song banter, by asking Jarvis to sleep with him/shake his hand - but Jarvis handled him well saying he didn't believe in sex before marriage. He was in fine comic form.
He did Big Stuff and One Man Show as well, which was great to hear. Very well-received live.
The encore comprised of Running the World and Sidewalking by The Jesus and Mary Chain. The latter was pre-empted by Jarvis saying "thanks for being a good audience despite some of you not knowing the new songs. You may know this next one *cue collective gasp from the audience and everyone praying he would play a Pulp song* it's by a band from here" etc. Running the World was a crowd-pleaser and Sidewalking went down well.
The rest of the band looked a bit out of place but Steve is ageing well and still has a twinkle in his eye when Jarvis goes off on a ramble..
All in all a very enjoyable gig! And I still love Jarvis.. ^_^
queenie - I'm soooo sorry to tell you this! - I was that drunken admirer! But he did dedicate 'Tonite' to me and I was in awe at Jarvis talking to me! I can tell you exactly what happened if u care!!!
Oh okay.. Small world of crazy Pulp fans. Please feel free to explain yourself.. Your friend nearly elbowed me in the head towards the end of the night, by the way. Security was eyeing up both of you!
Yeah I know. We were both rather drunk and I am rather embarrased now. Basically I shouted "Jarvis" and when he said "What" and looked straight at me I didn't really have anything to say! Hence the sordid response! The rest of my friends were at the back and said they could hear it all, I got the rise taken out of me for the rest of the night!
I have some pictures of the concert, queenie. If you would like me to post them let me know. I'm just in the process of getting them on my pc.
Apologies to anyone's toes I stepped on!
But hey, I enjoyed myself anyway! Even if I was acting like a 14 year old again! (maybe I'm a little bit too big and clumsy to act like a 14 yr old)
pulpqueenie wrote: A drunken admirer did put a stop to some of the between song banter, by asking Jarvis to sleep with him/shake his hand - but Jarvis handled him well saying he didn't believe in sex before marriage. He was in fine comic form.
at the Manchester gig, someone (a guy) shouted 'I wanted your babies!' - Jarvis' response to that was 'I think that's probably biologically impossible'. haha.
That was you, weed? Heh, the drunk heckling was really quite funny. And, thinking about it, the best gigs I've been to have involved some kind of interaction with the (usually drunk members of the) audience!
Yeah that was me. I'm really really embarrassed now, even so i was hoping to find a vid of myself on youtube when i got back! Glad u found it amusing. I on the other hand was mortified!
Always wondered what I would say to my idol if i got the chance! Now I know!
Thanks for sharing the photos & story! I also was at a loss for words at the last concert of his I saw. I was right up front and able to hold his hand in Seattle, but all I could think of to say was "Woooo!" What crap! I guess it was all a bit overwhelming, or that's my excuse anyway.
Someone (also a guy) shouted out, "Jarvis, I love you!" His response was, "You'll get over that someday." He never misses a beat.
I'm sorry to bring up an old thread... but there was a video documenting my embarrassment on YouTube back in 2007! and I'd like to see it again. Unfortunately it appears to have gone forever!