In my dreams, I was drowning my sorrows, but my sorrows they learned to swim
Waves of regrets, Waves of joy
I reached out to the one I tried to destroy
You, you said you'd wait
Until the end of the world
Wow what a great website! thanks a lot! Hope my neighbours like pulp
In my dreams, I was drowning my sorrows, but my sorrows they learned to swim
Waves of regrets, Waves of joy
I reached out to the one I tried to destroy
You, you said you'd wait
Until the end of the world
LeoVK - Paula should be no hassle for you on the keys. While maybe Mr Sturdy's band could give You Are The One a go...
I'm gonna give a try at the hisnhers bonus CD (newly released songs as well as the stuff we already heard [babysitter, seconds, streetlites...]). It's my favorite among the three reissues... I'll post them to pulptabs as soon as possible... If anyone wants to try tabbing O.U., it would be highly appreciated...
Hi, I haven't posted on this site for quite some time and I thought maybe my site had been deleted or disappeared. Anyway I found the site again if anyone is interested. Not sure if I can still edit it using geocities, but if you have any chords or tablatures you can email me
this is the new address, I only just stumbled upon it...