Has anyone ever seen this site? An absoloute behemoth of an archive - documenting all of John Peel's shows throughout his BBC career with really detailed artist pages.
On the Pulp page, not only does it document the background relationship with band and DJ and the sessions info that we know already (you can also see where Pulp placed in his year-end charts) but most impressively, it also documents every single time he played Pulp on his show and when, and there's audio-files for most of them too!
Unfortunately a lot of the audio seem restricted but I found the odd one where anyone can listen (including Blue Glow with introduction in January 1986!). You can tell he was loved-up with Pulp by late 1995 and making-up for all that lost time (Intro and HnH material also got a decent number of spins). Pulp were played regularly at that point - he even gave Ansaphone an airing when Disco 2000 came out! Nick and Jarvis of course had been to his house a couple of months prior to preview Different Class.
It's really interesting looking at the Pulp songs he played - once he was reacquainted with them in 1993, the only era he seemed a bit cold on was This Is Hardcore. I hadn't realised that he had previewed practically all of We Love Life a few weeks before it came out (any "older" members remember that?), even giving Bob Lind two plays, good man. And his last ever play of a Pulp song was Little Girl which is kind of sweet really - edit, it seems that was on a tribute show just after he passed.
I assume Stephen got his Pulp Portfolio radio-play introductions/(ex-troductions?) from this but Weej, if you haven't seen it before - this looks right up your street...
-- Edited by Eamonn on Thursday 7th of March 2024 01:36:08 PM
Yeah, that triggers a memory from Pulppeople I think of Giles Acrylic getting a kick out of "Weeds II: Origin Of Species" coming up on the LED display of his early-adopted DAB radio.
Has anyone ever seen this site? An absoloute behemoth of an archive - documenting all of John Peel's shows throughout his BBC career with really detailed artist pages.
I assume Stephen got his Pulp Portfolio radio-play introductions/(ex-troductions?) from this but Weej, if you haven't seen it before - this looks right up your street...
I did, yes! There was a good one of Will to Power from '84/'85 on there too, which was on the Portfolios. And yeah, the original '83 (?) session came from its repeat playing on there, too. Good resource! They didn't have the '98 sessions that Pulp DJ'd when I last checked many years ago. Those were great fun. Did they ever circulate?
The "Mooo" server which contains a lot of the files, is accessible:
A login is required in order to circumvent automated spamming: user name = 'peelgroup' and password = 'insession', or 'peel' and 'group'. The links are direct and can be accessed from the date pages. Right click and 'save as' or 'save target as,' depending on which browser you are using, to download the file.
Just listening to the show where he plays Ansaphone, dedicating it to Flossie, who I think is his daughter.
Do you mean the Pulp 3-day sit-in in Nov'97? Says it's there but haven't managed to locate it exactly and get it playing.
The session where he played "The Will to Power" is on my website. Additionally, there are extracts from a session where he played "Everybody's Problem".
I too wondered why they never did a Peel Session in 1997/98. From memory, Peel featured in the Radio 1 documentary and spoke favourably of the album. Presumably it just came down to availability.
Well "Freaks" and "This Is Hardcore" were difficult "second" albums
He must have been sent hundreds of indie records every week in the 80s so to cut-through that, you'd need to be good, appeal to his tastes or have strong PR. Pulp didn't really have any of those things going for them!
Yeah, I was thinking that if I was Jarvis and Peel wasn't playing the records after the first session, I'd be personally sending them with a handwritten letter....