Hi, folks. Today I got up and decided to write a blog. I'm going to run through my sixty favourite Pulp songs, in a random order, and write about what I think of them, what they're about, and what makes them so great. It's an idea I've sort of had for a while, but for some reason I just woke up today, sat down and got going. Probably a load of waffle, but nonetheless, fun to do I think.
Why 97? It could just have easily been 970 or 9,700. Just take a short walk around town and you soon lose count of the deformities. By the way, what's that growing on your back?
Well, actually, it's because I sort of thought - I could write about my top 50 Pulp songs - but there's some interesting ones that aren't quite in my top 50, Pulp have done so many good songs. So 60 it is! Although it might be a little too ambitious, we'll see.
Thanks, enjoyed that a lot, a lot of interesting points you made which I hadn't considered before. I've actually just been making sound clips of A Matter or Life and Death for a mix, somehow didn't twig that the video was a homage.
Thanks, enjoyed that a lot, a lot of interesting points you made which I hadn't considered before. I've actually just been making sound clips of A Matter or Life and Death for a mix, somehow didn't twig that the video was a homage.
Well, that's incredibly kind coming from THE Pulp blogger! Thanks weej.