This is a bit of a long shot but does anyone have a good VHS rip of The Historic Debt, the compilation which included the promo video of Countdown? If you could share with me i'd be eternally grateful.
Some years ago i passed on my vhs Pulpy bits to a lovely man called Will...
He also is boss of Pulpwiki..
Anyroad, he digitized all my tapes and did a truly magical job..
You can check out the majority of his gracious work on his youtube channel...I'm sure they're all still available to view..
This does include a direct digital copy from my original copy of the historic debt vhs compilation...
I bought the VHS in 2003, pre-Youtube. Watched it once (the Countdown vid) and remember feeling distinctly underwhelmed. Where were the daily life with drama Mike Leigh-isms of Babies (original) and Razzmatazz? I want a refund, I want a life (yeah, can tell by me post-count!).
What I'm saying is that if you would like the original VHS, I could send you mine. It's at my parents though so wouldn't be til after Christmas.
Agreed Eamonn...
Remarkably underwhelming..
Just watched it for the first time in about a million years..
Song still ace tho, much prefer this single recording than the plodding seppers version...
I bought the VHS in 2003, pre-Youtube. Watched it once (the Countdown vid) and remember feeling distinctly underwhelmed. Where were the daily life with drama Mike Leigh-isms of Babies (original) and Razzmatazz? I want a refund, I want a life (yeah, can tell by me post-count!).
What I'm saying is that if you would like the original VHS, I could send you mine. It's at my parents though so wouldn't be til after Christmas.
That's very kind but i'm actually after a digital rip. I'm after the whole thing, not just the Pulp vid. It also features Television Personalities among other artists i'm a big fan of.