I have loads of Pulp stuff that I need to get rid of as I am about to move into a studio flat and will have no room for it. Anyone have any ideas how best to sell it? Includes flyers, 12" singles, set lists, nearly all Pulp People mags, Disco-very mags, newspaper cuttings and loads of CDs. Would you just put it all on e-bay or is there a network of Pulp fans that might be interested in acquiring it? Cheers
I was selling some records a couple of months back, I posted a list on here and managed to shift a few of them. Rather than putting prices, I just let people make me offers, all of which were sensible.
Little Girl (with Blue Eyes)/Dogs are Everywhere/They Suffocate at Night/Countdown/My Legendary Girlfriend
7" single:
My Legendary Girlfriend/Sickly Grin/Back in LA (Ref: The Caff Corporation CAFF17)
CD Albums:
It/Freaks/Separations/Masters of the Universe/Pulpintro/HisNHers/Different Class/This is Hardcore/We love Life
CD singles:
Babies/O.U./Do you remember the first time?/The Sisters EP/Razzmatazz/Lipgloss/Something Changed/Sorted for E's & Wizz-Mis-Shapes/Something Changed/Common People - 2 versions/DISCO 2000 parts one and two/Mis-shapes & Sorted with pattern and promo CD
Sorted for Films & Vids (no idea if this still plays!)
Pulp People:
Every issue from Number 1 to Number 24 all in perfect condition (duplicates of 2 and 8)
Pulp Scrapbooks:
Volume 1/Volume 2/Volume 3 (the cover on Vol 1 is a bit light faded but the rest are perfect)
1992 publication by Pulp People and 1995 publication by Pulp People
Theatre Royal Pulp at Christmas 18/12/94; Forum 6/5/94 x2; ICA Do You Remember the First Time? 9/3/94 + two invitations; LA2 23/11/93 x2; Garage Christmas Party 18/12/93; ULU 23/10/92;
Other Stuff:
After Show Island VIP pass; Letter from Mark on back of Piece Hall 5/9/92 flyer; seven postcards - 4 blank & three newsflashes from Pulp; 11 postcard sized communications from Pulp; 2xPowerhaus set times cards; 2x Leadmill 28/12/91flyers; 2x Resurrection flyer advertising Jarvis & Steve as celeb djs; a gift from the wardrobe of Jarvis 291/500; 2x Rock Garden flyers - one pale green and black, the other very colourful - from 15/5/86; backstage ULU pass; Pulp Razzmatazz poster advertising tour with st Etienne 1993; Pulp Babies poster advertising 1992 tour; 2x 'Make Contact with Pulp' - Pulp People flyer; Pulp Sheffield Uni flyer with dj Bob Stanley from St Etienne - looks like it's signed by the band; Pulp news (first item Help the Aged) on orange paper; letter from Mark dated 29/9/92 on A3 copy of Countdown on other side; A5 Lipgloss flyer; Pulp tee-shirts adverton A3; Pulp people request for subs on O.U single/tour/launch/competition flyer
News Cuttings:
Melody Maker 27/11/93 article 'Sleazy Does It'; NME chart cutting with Lip Gloss in the chart; NME 10/10/92 Pulp 'Material World' article; 28/6/96 Melody Maker Dogs are Everywhere single of the week; 24/5/86 Melody Maker reviw of Rock Garden gig; photocopy of Subterania gig review 15/11/91;Melody Maker article 31/5/86; three articles re 1996 Brits; Advert from Guardian with Countdown advert 15/5/96