Does anyone have the 2 part 1998 R1 documentary narrated by Jane Horrocks? I was sure I had a copy but apparently, no. If someone could upload I'd be over the moon.
Part 1 is "Do you remember the first time?" and part 2 is "From disco to hardcore". I was sure I had both but I cannot seem to find them otherwise I would have uploaded them. I wouldn't mind a copy as well.
Yes I have both - I picked up the Radio Doc at Glebe Record Fair!
I taped them off the radio at the time, but the tapes are buried deep somewhere... and since my lovely little old car finally died last year, I can't play tapes anyway. Been looking to buy an old cassette player, but they're pricey.
These exist as a promo CD but thanks to these copies I'll save myself £15.