Over the many many years of making videogames, I slowly started to create more and more silly background tunes to go in my games.
Most of these "Choons" have a standard feel to them, and since I make AGameAWeek, I've built up quite a library of these Choons. Over the years I've taken to using the musical pseudonym "AL O'DARE" because that's silly, much like the resulting Choons.
Last year, I decided that, alongside making a standard game-usable Choon each week, I should maybe attempt some sort of remix album, taking melodies and chord structures from some of my most favourite videogames of the 80s, and doing a remix-of-sorts to make them more like my regular ingame Choons.
Not a remix, as such, more a reimagining. A vaguely recognisable bit of the original, but ..different.
I created a full Album of 26 of these choons during the latter half of 2016.
For early 2017, I opted to do the same thing, but with classic Sonic The Hedgehog Choons. That, too, has been coming along rather well, but I'm nearing the end of the album, now, with just 3 more choons to go.. It's time to start thinking about what could come next.
And that's when my love of Pulp re-appeared. Could I do a complete 26-track album of "A bit like Pulp" stuff?
I'm honestly considering giving it a go, so I've created track #1 as a test.
The resulting Choons in the album should be recognisable, but won't be something you can sing along to. They're not remixes, they're .. Something Borrowed... Something New....
I'd like to test the waters with Track One, Pulpish Acrylic, and hope that I don't get a massive lynch mob after me.
If you like it, I'll be back in about 3 weeks with Track 2, and then you won't hear the end of me and my silly album of choons, every bloomin' week, until it's done.
Let me know what you think, and feel free to shout at me for having done something so drastic!
Thanks for any/all comments.
Jayenkai (aka AL O'DARE)
-- Edited by Jayenkai on Thursday 28th of December 2017 05:17:47 PM
And so it begins. The Pulp'ish Album is officially a GO! Each week, for the next 6 or so months, I'll be popping up and spamming about yet another generic sounding track. Hopefully you don't all kick my arse, along the way, for "ruining" your favourites.
Unfortunately, since this is a "repeat" there's not much new in this post, other than alt-links.
*Warning : Spammy bit* Tracks are posted a week in advance, on my Patreon ( http://patreon.com/Jayenkai ) if you're too impatient to wait for the next one.
Any and all comments welcome. Enjoy!
(Sorry.. Lots of edits.. This site has odd bbcode!!)
-- Edited by Jayenkai on Thursday 6th of July 2017 05:23:25 PM
Hope you enjoy it. But feel free to post hate if you wish :D I'll be popping up ever week to post more of these, so .. If you don't like 'em, avoid this thread!!