As Steve doesn't appear to look-in much anymore, does anyone know how stable the forum is in terms of its hosting and back-up? I see at the bottom of the main page that we are almost £250 in the red, (though it states it's a credit) and I've noticed adverts at the top of the screen lately, something which I'm pretty sure wasn't the case before? If unobtrusive ads like that help the forum pay its way instead of people having to contribute every so often, seems reasonable.
Has any tech-gifted person done a back-up of all the forum posts before in case it does go down and dies suddenly sometime? I'd hate to see a chunk of my 20's/30's just disappear like that...
Those ads aren't toooooo terrible... How many hits is the site getting these days? It'd be interesting to see a graph covering the life of the site - just how high the peaks were, and when. Anyhoo, I'll try to chip in after payday, which is in a week.
I dont mind ads, i think there should be more is the forum survives that way
I am "tech-gifted", but i dont think we can save the posts like that. We need to have access to the database, and only activeboard and the forum's owner have that access.
If ads are added, the forum should stay up, i think.
As Steve doesn't appear to look-in much anymore, does anyone know how stable the forum is in terms of its hosting and back-up? I see at the bottom of the main page that we are almost £250 in the red, (though it states it's a credit) and I've noticed adverts at the top of the screen lately, something which I'm pretty sure wasn't the case before? If unobtrusive ads like that help the forum pay its way instead of people having to contribute every so often, seems reasonable.
Has any tech-gifted person done a back-up of all the forum posts before in case it does go down and dies suddenly sometime? I'd hate to see a chunk of my 20's/30's just disappear like that...
The hosting is stable. I have an activeboard/sparklit forum that has been going for 12 years and all is OK. Mine was ad-supported so no debt at all and the ads are dull and easily ignored, so why pay? Suspect the lack of payment has just led to a downgrade.
As for backing it up, that is not easy. There are some activeboard APIs (Python and PHP) that could be used to get posts, but I don't know it it would be robust enough to get 1000s. Total Posts: 37,660 at present
* getRecentPosts: Returns a list of old posts.
* @param string userName
* @returns object data (obj) =>
* [0] (obj) =>
* title (str)
* content (str)
* date (str)
* permalink (str)
*[1] =>
* title (str)
* content (str)
* date (str)
* permalink (str)
* [2] => etc
public function getRecentPosts($subForumID="all", $nPosts="10")