Thanks for the tip. I've set my PVR for it. The manky old thing is ten years old and tends to go wrong whenever it is something I really want to record - fingers crossed.
It was nice to hear it on the radio, the synths on Wishful Thinking were much clearer, those (sort of) arpeggiated chords The bass seems much stronger on the 'Peel Sessions' mix, and even when I fiddle about with all those little buttons on my hi-fi, I can't get the synths to sound like that.
The notes in Peel Sessions mention something about how Jarvis is slightly embarrassed to hear the old recordings, but I think it's pretty wonderful. Turkey Mambo Momma is a bit daft, but when I think of the rubbish I came out with in my teens, it is impressively accomplished by comparison. Refuse To Be Blind does sound a bit like Joy Division, but if you're going to copy anyone, that's a good start (most of Joy Division were already 20 when they formed). It has a brooding menace.