I thought you were discriminating against the poor buggers among us who have to be content with the DVD ;)
I got it as a gift yesterday for passing an exam. I went straight to disc two and like you, thought the extra content was great. Saskia singing Something Changed was a nice touch though the way she introduced it, talking about how she had part-written it with Jarvis during Pulp #2 and that the lyrics were different, I thought we were going to get treated to the original draft (was that not what the sheet in her hand contained?).
Lovely to see more talk from the band individually but it's a pity it wasn't longer. Kind of wanted to slap Florian over the head when he asked Mark what he thinks about when he's pissing between the main set and encore instead of something more illuminating like "You mentioned you hated playing during the last few years before the hiatus, why was that?" I guess it's part of Habicht's style that the members warm to him when asked more humdrum things. More insight from Candida on her arthritis and how she kept it from most of the rest of the group would also been more interesting, for us lot I think, than being asked about her level of fame compared to Jarvis.
The live stuff was great. I thought during the first track, I Spy, when it gets interrupted by Liam discussing his frustration at Jarvis' refusal to use a wireless mic, that the rest of the songs would follow suit i.e. voice-over dialogue intercut with music as in the film which made me think the few songs were a teaser for a future release of the full concert. Maybe not.
The making of was fine but probably the one part of the extras I wouldn't be too bothered watching again. The extra material from Sheff folk was just as good as what made it into the film ("The last film I saw? The Expendables I think") but, like the band talking, too short, though for a Pulphead I guess you're always asking for more. They could have fit all the extras on the one disc with the main film but fair play to them for creating lovely packaging. The postcard was a lovely touch too. I'd give it an 8/10 overall, like the film.
Sorry, I'm writing a thesis and my brain can't really cope with composing any thoughts that aren't about that. I'm also fairly easy to please, so I'm just happy with any extras we get, I love it all. I did wonder why on earth there was this random section of Florian asking Jarvis about the afterlife, then I dawned on me that it must be end of the Help the Aged conversation, you can see where we are headed ... And I liked that Steve's favourite bit of the show was chucking loo roll about. But here's another extra we really need - there's been loads of interviews with Florian floating about, but I haven't seen this mentioned before:
"There were definitely moments, as a Pulp fan ... there's a song called Live Bed Show and Jarvis performed the song on the actual bed that the song is about. It was just him playing me the song and I was filming at his house and we were getting great footage and then I thought 'Oh this is pretty special, getting a solo concert'.
Thanks for that, Fran. That was most interesting. Like you, I can't believe we've missed out on the Live Bed Show bit! How brilliant would that have been!