I always thought "We Love Life" was a strange title for a Pulp album, but I realised this morning while half-asleep, that if you say it quickly, in a northern accent, it actually comes out as "Wheel Of Life". This is much more fitting for the themes in this album, which are associated with the cycle of birth, growth, love, loss, death and rebirth (Sunrise). Maybe it's common knowledge to the rest of you, but I thought it was interesting :). I wonder if it was intentional?
It was Pulp Love Life with the heart shape & all, then they dropped the title because of all the channel 4 list programmes called 'I "heart" 1984' and so on - they thought it was all a bit naff & so was then to be called 'Pulp'.
After September 11th terrorist attacks, Jarvis decided all this 'love life' business may not be such a bad idea after all & much to the record companies annoyance changed the title again to 'We Love Life'.