They really are taking us for a ride. I feel it is clear it is not the last, and they are just saying anything they can to make us all question it.
Great ride, though. Until Pulp say they won't play again, why not just enjoy it? Why should they divulge their future plans? They may not know themselves.
Hmm I took it as a simple thank you but you never know. I'm doubting a Glasto appearance though, especially after finding out Arctic Monkeys are headlining on Friday
I took it as a bit of a sign-off, but done in a way that they don't want to rule anything out. And I guess that would tie in with what they've said publicly, "no plans for anything else, but who knows?" I'm assuming that during the hiatus, they all had their own separate lives and other stuff they were getting on with, other priorities/projects/work, so it could depend on a lot of things, including offers and opportunities which could either seem too good to refuse or not worth the hassle. As ArrGee said, they may not know themselves.
When I first read it earlier, my first reaction was that it was a "thank you and goodbye", which was a bit disappointing as, despite a few previous indications that this might be it for now, I had hoped the good reaction to After You would prompt at least one more gig, or even some other unreleased stuff coming out of the vaults. But they've sent a similar tweet before - in 2011 thanking fans for an amazing summer - and there was indeed more after that. And guess if there's no more, at least for a while, lots of us have had the opportunity to see them again when we thought we never would.
ChasingNewspapers wrote:When I first read it earlier, my first reaction was that it was a "thank you and goodbye", which was a bit disappointing as, despite a few previous indications that this might be it for now.
I think they would have been far more explicit if there was going to be absolutely no activity. In 2002, it was...
'This'll be the last time you see us for a while, but we may meet again, who knows?'
Without knowing anything and wildly speculating, they may be mulling over a few offers to headline various festivals in the summer, or even considering recording. They have spent the last 18 months with same show. I'd happily watch it year after year, but there is a danger of just doing the same old same old to diminishing interest.
Doubtless, there will be something released, even if it's just the Sheffield show, but they may well bring together a few of the demos post Hardcore. I suppose it depends on how much interest there would be. After You seems to have been streamed a lot, but whether or not that would translate into a wide enough interest to justify a release is the question.
Until things are more concrete, there's little reason to say what is happening next. Anyway, no harm in a bit of mystique. It makes it all the more interesting to debate.
-- Edited by ArrGee on Wednesday 2nd of January 2013 10:18:56 AM
I think you need to see what Jarvis said in the NME this week. Last gigs for a good while, but never say never.
And less than two months ago...
"I suppose once you've done that, the next thing is; would you make some new music? I've enjoyed the fact that we haven't been doing any new stuff, because I feel that's kept it quite simple. It's hard one. We haven't been in the studio or anything. I don't know what will happen in the future."
It may be splitting hairs, but After You is new and they must have gone into a studio to do it.
The key is they haven't decided what to do next, but in all likelihood they will do something. I have a sense of deju vu, cos isn't this what happened around 15 months ago after Electric Picnic in Ireland?
They are definitely putting us on hold. If this was it, why put out a proper recording of "after you" and getting people exited and rise expectations. They could make it easy for themselves and just release a live recording of the Sheffield gig.
liltman wrote:It could have simply been done as a one-off to thank the fans.
They could have just done that after the festivals last year, or more specifically after the Brixton gigs.
I was surprised they played wireless, and again when they did the Teenage Cancer Trust and the Sheffield also came out of the blue. Likewise After You.
I think it will be much the same the next time Pulp announce anything.