Hope everyone does enjoy! It's very odd seeing something so personal from one of the least open members of the band. Feels like reading bits of an autobiography at times.
The other thing that strikes me is the interesting blend of enthusiasm and cynicism - even as a teenager!
Btw the reason I've posted extracts from the 'zine here is that I'm intrigued as to what other people make of it. So come on, let's hear your thoughts!
Well, I was mulling it over after having read it and I can honestly say that I can hear Russell's voice very strongly. However, it does have the scent of callow youth about it. A slightly unnerving experience all in all, a little like reading those letters that Morrissey kept sending to the music weeklies in the mid/late '70's.
Hadn't remembered 'Chien' featuring a 'man in a dress', but the eyeball thing holds true.
I like his rant at the University, that they wouldn't put on the Undertones or Toyah as they were 'too risky', but then somehow end up with the Monochrome set!
"Town people are more lively but soon they won't be wanted because of a destructive minority".
Sounds like a summary of 'Mis-Shapes'.
I also like the Stunt Kites (featuring the future Mr. Saskia Cocker) being an 'uncompromised Sex Pistols'. I love the intensity and, as has been said earlier, the callowness of his remarks.
I'm enjoying the fruit fascination even at such an early stage.
Seems to have been good mates with David Kurley back then, anyway. Perhaps explains why he 'bought' the lyrics to Anorexic Beauty for £1 - sounds like something two mates would jokily do.
And Saw, it's like an advent calender for me, too. The constraints on my time mean that I've not really read any of these 'til they go up. And I think there's just too much to savour to have it all at once.
Our Russ seems to have grown up very quickly, doesn't he? From fanzine writing in 1980 whilst being at Uni to owning and running a glassware/antique shop six years later! Doesn't seem to be much glassware appreciation at this early stage...
Did you all hear Jarvis talking on the Sunday Service last week about chatting to David Kurley at the party after the Sheffield show - he played a New Model Soldier record to celebrate! Here we go http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01pbk0k - it was called Twist.
We'll use the one thing we've got more of, that's our minds.
Just have to say I'm finding these pages fascinating. The handwriting seems very A-type male, with the small script and all caps. The doodles and artwork are pretty awful (let's be honest) but you have to admire the effort. My favorite so far are the bitchy comments to Dave's interview questions. The spelling errors are driving me crazy (rather like his apostrophe abuse in Stephen's interview)...and sadly many of the references are lost on me, but I am looking forward to reading more! Thanks so much for posting these!