Right, don't want to sound naughty but this could well be the last ever Pulp gig we all attend and judging by the srecent setlists it should be soemthing special...is someone going to record it so we can remember it forever? I dont have any of the equipment to do so otherwise would just do it and upload it to the Yahoo accounts after, so without sounding too wilfully to break the rules (even though it is) can anyone commit to do it?
Where would be the best place to record it? Cos with somewhere like Brixton it's easy, cos sound is well balanced up on the balcony, but the seating at the back of the arena presumably won't provide great sound.. also you'd think there'd be too much crowd noise in standing.. I guess the seats at the side would provide the best sound? Is anyone in those seats?
With youtube uploading commonplace for live recordings of songs these days I don't think you have to worry about keeping it clandestine. It would be nice though if it was properly soundboard recorded. Radio Sheff should really cover it but there's a fair chance 6 Music might do so and broadcast it later.