Ah, that'll be the one I stayed up listening to on Late Junction once, thinking maybe Pulp-Steve had been diversifying into some arty project, in some Jonny Greenwood-esque fashion perhaps, but no, it turned out to be an American classical composerl
We'll use the one thing we've got more of, that's our minds.
Back in 2000, at the Leeds Film Festival, I think, Mark was curating some films, but the was another musician there, by the name of Mark Webber, doing some kind of soundtracking project. On the advertising it read Mark Webber (from Pulp).... Mark Webber (not from Pulp) !
There really should be a photo of Mark Webber, Formula 1 hotshot together with our kid. There's got to have been at least one mix-up in communication between avant-garde film making and Team Red Bull at some stage.