One of the pies in which I used to keep a finger was that of music journalism. I used to write a bit for Sandman, and then used to review singles for God is in the TV Zine before realising it was easier to write about geeky things than music and started as a columnist for Den of Geek.
However, having a crappy little CV of this sort of thing has just paid off in that I've just somehow secured an email interview with those behind Russell's 'Two Tribes' play. I'm assuming it's going to be more that Ralph chap than Russell himself, but it was all very 'we' rather than 'me' in his response.
I would actually try and steer clear of q's about Pulp to be honest. Maybe slip one in at the end. I'm trying to think of a question; what about asking him(Russell) his thoughts on the recent news that the old NUM HQ in Sheffield is going to be turned into a casino.
I concur with you, Saw. I thought a question based around him prioritising the play over Pulp - which perhaps hinted at the importance he felt in this project - might be ok, though.
And, of course, asking him about how he feels it follows in the steps of the Wicker Players plays :)
Cheers for the heads up on the NUM/Casino story. That's definitely a good one to go with...
Yeah, I went to see Close The Coalhouse Door (which was first performed in 68 i think), it was absolutely fantastic and I was thinking that it's surely an influence on what Russell is doing.
It would be interesting in the light of some of the parallels between the economic situations then and now and the levels of unhappiness amongst many towards those with economic and political power (think bankers, Occupy and such like today) if hindsight has given him any ideas about engage with such issues, clearly simply standing up to power as the miners did in the 80s didn't get them anywhere at the time, though the whole affair obviuosly stands as one of the most memorable events of the decade, hence the play. Could they have done things differently then or was the balance of power and Maggie's political motivations just too strong?
On the Pulp connection front, rather than interrogating him or otherwise annoying him talking about something he's not there to talk about, maybe you could pass on best wishes for the success of the play from the forum and let him know that we appreciated his taking time out from it last summer, something like that.
We'll use the one thing we've got more of, that's our minds.
"The interview is in our next issue which i am picking up from the printers either tomorrow or friday. It'll probs only be distributed in Wakefield and Leeds initially as im going on holiday on Saturday, but after that, further affield. Keep an eye on our Facebook, should keep that updated: "
(I sent them an email asking about when it would be posted)
"The interview is in our next issue which i am picking up from the printers either tomorrow or friday. It'll probs only be distributed in Wakefield and Leeds initially as im going on holiday on Saturday, but after that, further affield. Keep an eye on our Facebook, should keep that updated: "
(I sent them an email asking about when it would be posted)
When is the interview? I have thought about this a lot and my mind tends to go completely blank at the thought of being near the man (as it did several times last year). Do you have a time limit? Will you be able to take photos?
I think the Rhubarb Bomb guy did the interview late last year? I think he said it was due for release February, but it got pushed back. Surely it will give some answers as to Russel's departure and maybe more good info.
Tricia, the plan is for me to do an interview by email. And after that, I'll get to go and see how the work in progress is, erm, progressing! No deadline as yet, although I'd like to get the questions off early next week. I imagine I'll be able to take photos when I turn up, but shall ask...
And I'll try and dress like a fanzine writer. 'cos he likes that, apparently. But I may need to remove the badge I wear of Russell playing violin :)
I think the Rhubarb Bomb guy did the interview late last year? I think he said it was due for release February, but it got pushed back. Surely it will give some answers as to Russel's departure and maybe more good info.
Apparently it's just back from the printers...
"Yes I saw her in the chip shop / so I said get yer top off"
Does wearing badges make one look like a fanzine writer? Curious what kinds of questions he (they) would expect from a fanzine. I haven't looked at one in probably 15 years...previously I would have said one could assume the questions would range from very flippant to frighteningly well-informed, but maybe these days fanzines are mostly serious. Very exciting that you're giving us a peek inside this whole process. If I can formulate anything intelligent (unlikely) I will pm you.
Apologies, Twiggy. I see the 't' and I've been presuming 'tricia the tree'. Sorry! I'll try harder :)
I'm not sure what a fanzine writer does look like. It's just that Russell seemed quite nice to the fanzine writer who interviewed him last year, and some of that seems to be to do with how he looked.
I think they'll probably expect questions similar to ones they've had already from the other publications they've been interviewed for.
And yes, I think that music, and the scene surrounding it, has lost a lot of humour since Russell's pop hey-day.
By the way, apparently the Rhubarb Bomb with the Russell interview is out in Jumbo Records, Crash Records and The Hop (Leeds, I believe). Is anyone close by who could pick up a copy? I'll ask my brother, but if he does get round to it it'll probably be some time next year