Hi sorry to be bothersome on the board but my friends and I accidentally purchased too many tickets to the first Radio City Show in NY as tickets for the second were so hard to come by, thought I'd see if anyone here wanted them at a discount price:
The three seats are on the 2nd Mezzanine and all next to each other:
Row F
Cost with service charges 176 I'll be willing to sell for $120 for the 3
The three seats are on the floor and all next to each other:
Row R
Cost with service charges $222, willing to sell to you for $160.
PM me if interested, I have tickets in hand and would be willing to ship or meet you before the show.
Now there's a deal! If I was anywhere near NY I'd snap your hand off. Which I'm sure someone will on FB if you post something there. Fair play for coming here first.