...that's a tough one, I love the lyrics in both songs...but If I have to choose, it has to be 'sorted'... the whole 'want to call your mother...left an important part of my brain' etc... beats 'raised on a diet of broken biscuits' :)
''Ban This Sick Stunt"!!I definitely go for Sorted, especially after seeing it played live this summer. A truly magical experience, with all that laser-thing and lights going on, even if you weren't really sorted..
Mi-Shapes. I actually find Sorted quite embarrassing, it's easily the most over rated Pulp song ever. Just my opinion, don't wanna ruffle any feathers. I'm glad they still play it live tho', as it gives me a chance to nip to the loo ;) But seriously, I find the overall sound way too twee, particularly the studio version, the lyrics clunky, the music itself uninspiring & the subject matter just not something I want to listen to. Also, two acoustic songs in a row on DC is a bit boring, & it of course pales in comparison to the songs surrounding it. Something Changed is beautiful, & FEELINGCALLEDLOVE is simply awe inspiring. I think Sorted is the weakest song on a Pulp album since It, tho' I'm obviously in the minority. And Mis-Shapes is great, a fantastic bounce-&-shout along!
Interesting to read a contrary opinion James! I think Sorted... is a tad over-rated, not least by Jarvis himself (has it ever not been played at a Pulp gig since Glasto '95?). The lyrics do nail a particular feeling very well though, it has to be said.
As for Misshapes... the band, Jarvis and Steve anyway, have often talked about how Common People affected the rest of Different Class and that most of it was written in the weeks following CP's success. That has always rankled a bit with me, as if they were being disingenuous to the album (and it's my favourite album ever. How dare they!) and claiming that the album was a full celebratory affair. For one thing a lot of it (certainly Underwear, Pencil Skirt, Monday Morning and Bar Italia at least) was definitely written and recorded before Common People's success (and I imagine most of the music on the album/singles was. The lyrics are last-minute duties at the best of times anyway). And also, something sombre like Live Bed Show, I can easily imagine sitting on His'n'Hers (lyrically at least).
Anyway, Misshapes (and Sorted) does very much seem to be a song clearly inspired by Common People's success. It's the classic follow-up to a smash hit. Musically in a similar vein but different enough for it to stand-up on its' own, with a killer chorus. The words ooze confidence and read as a victorious clarion call to the new-found army of Pulp fans.
Both songs are great and a preference for one over the other depends on mood. I've heard enough versions of Sorted live at this stage but I can see why it means a lot to the band. I think both songs' parent album and Pulp's back-catalogue contain many finer songs though.
Like both but I went for Mis-Shapes. First time I ever saw Pulp on TOTP doing this so I guess it's for that reason but also musically I prefer it. Lyrically I might just prefer Sorted actually.
No it was a double A side. Mis shapes got more airplay. Before I heard mis shapes I was a twelve year old kid listening to shiny pop. When I heard mis shapes it sounded like nothing I'd ever heard before and Jarvis didn't look like any other popstar as he flung himself around the tiny Top of The Pops stage. And as a bullied kid the lyrics were very exciting.
So yeah it's important to me to say the least.
-- Edited by fredthe3rd on Wednesday 29th of February 2012 06:27:32 PM
In terms of personal significance, it's Mis-shapes all the way. This song could have been written for me, it captures perfectly my experience of seondary school, a clever but hopelessly untrendy kid secretly imagining revenge on all the in-crowd, unfortunately for me about 15 years too late, but you can't have everything. Sorted describes a world I have never ventured near, so it has the effect of a fascinating glimpse of social history for me, but no personal identification. More objectively, just as songs, very hard to disentangle from that personal reaction. Sorted obviously rises so far above the usual "We are your friends" type thing and injects some realism into the situation, though presumably the whole point of going to a rave is to avoid realism at all costs. And I do really enjoy the song, the opening synth is really haunting.
We'll use the one thing we've got more of, that's our minds.
It's a tough one indeed. I'm not really a big fan of either, although I do find when I'm actually listening to them, I like them a little more than I thought I did. I really can't decide which one to vote for, but having just read they are both 50/50 in the poll at this point, I feel a sense of power in my vote.......
And that's exactly what I'm doing right now. I think i prefer the lyrics to Mis shapes and the music to Sorted. A hybrid of the 2 would be my ideal vote.
Both songs sum up my thoughts on festivals, drugs, the fear of being different as a teen and my then hatred of townies perfectly. Misshapes was more enjoyable live last year due to seeing Sorted performed all nine times I've seen them. But I can't choose between them
Not as a child, me and my mates were considered a bit "freakish" when we were in our mid teens on account of not liking boy bands. Work that one out...