Tribute Nite is a show which happens every three months at the Rising Sun Arts Center in Reading. Local musos, poets & bands get together & play an evening of songs by a particular artist.
Why am I telling you this? 'Cos this time we're doing Pulp, obviously!
Sorry for not posting this weeks ago, but it's a very small venue & is always uncomfortably packed out. So if anyone's around (only a half hour train from Paddington also) you might wanna come & see.
Performers tend to be anything from someone singing with an acoustic, to 'arty' things, to full bands. It's always very, very varied.
The venue volonteer-run, so the suggested donation is about a fiver, doors are 8pm for an 8:30 start. There's a bar ;)
ps I'm playing acoustic guitar in a few things (Babies, Help The Aged & a slowed down DYRTFT? ) & my new group The Ultimate End are playing our first public performance. (We're doing Being Followed Home & Live On).
Sounds superb. We need more of this stuff! "Bar Italia presents the Bad Cover Festival: three nights of Pulp tribute acts, Relaxed Muscle rip-offs, Jarv-a-likes..."
Oh hell... I'm going. Just bought my train ticket. Wish I could say I was dressed for the occasion, but in this weather, it's all about the layers, and layers, and layers...
James' performances of 'Being Followed Home' and 'Live On' were brilliant. If you closed your eyes, you'd swear it was Pulp, and you can tell James has been practising his Jarvis-style dance moves in front of a mirror for years (haven't we all!). James even pulled off the fast, whispered bit in middle of 'Being Followed Home'. Impressive!
Other highlights included a very 'Gary Numan-esque' performance of 'Party Hard' played on the Nintendo DS, a spoken-word, comic performance of 'I Spy', and an impressive slightly shoegazer take on 'Joyriders'. Respect also for the guy who performed 'The Professional', very brave choice.
The event could have used a good DJ though. There was a 30 minute break at 10pm, which would have been a good opportunity for a Pulp disco, but the sound guy just put TIH on shuffle, which resulted in the mood killing trilogy of 'Dishes', 'The Fear' and 'A Little Soul'.
I do wish I had known about the event earlier, would have liked to get involved.
Fuss Free, thanks SO much for coming! Glad you enjoyed it & our band. Of course, I would have loved to get you guys from 'round here involved. But it's a tiny, tiny venue which was already packed to bursting & I don't think I would have been very popular with the organisers. The list of performers was already over subscribed an hour after it was announced (3 months previously) & many local performers had to be turned down, so there was no way they could have taken any more on! I am sorry I had to leave it so late in telling you guys tho'. & there WOULD have been footage, there was just not enough space to set the camera up, which I was really dissapointed about, but there you go. I totally agree a DJ would have helped, but my main memory is an extremely successful debut for our new band. Anyway, thanks again. I did try to find you when I found out where we were off to afterwards but couldn't. Guess you'd already gone, so sorry about that! I'm sure we'd all have got you a drink for coming so far!