It's not every day you're sat listening to this while holding your first child for the first time. Wonder how old a baby can be before you can let her listen to more risqué Pulp tracks?!
I showed my Dad the Disco 2000 video over Christmas. It hadn't even occurred to me it was 'risque'. He wasn't impressed really and did in fact say "Ooh, if your mother had been here..."
I've also wondered about the age thing, I find it a little surprising when I hear of kids listening to Pulp at the age of, say, 11. Did it make you a promiscuous child, weed? I didn't start listening until I was 16, but I think it had the opposite affect on me...
Well, when I was growing up I was exposed to Relax by Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Like A Virgin by Madonna etc. I think these are far more risque than a lot of what Jarvis says. Kids are exposed to allsorts from a very early age. For example, I found some hardcore porn mags in my school playground one lunchtime when I was about 10; that was an eye opener I tell you!
I have to admit I subject my kids to Pulp by proxy, in the house I expect they mostly ignore it, they're not that interested, but in the car they can't really escape. They have their own song that goes "I want to live like silvery penguins" etc, not sure where that came from, may have something to do with Club Penguin. I do worry a bit when certain songs come on, but at their age the content of most pop songs went right over my head. I remember listening to Mike Read's rant as he refused to play Relax when it got to No 1 and had no idea what he was on about. A lot of pop music contains all sorts of dodgy stuff if you want to look at it like that, I suppose the thing about Pulp is that it isn't dressed up in flowery imagery so you're not left wondering what might be going on like in a lot of other music. As for myself, I was about 30 when I discovered them and it did open my eyes - very sheltered upbrining.
We'll use the one thing we've got more of, that's our minds.
Congratulations! I don't think that Pulp songs are really that risque - I remember a few years ago when I was probably 13/14 I was discussing Pulp with my dad and every time Sorted was mentioned he'd say 'It's about drugs, you know'- I think the songs probably seemed more risque and explicit to him than me. Most songs that are around now are about sex anyway, but I think younger than 10 you don't listen or concentrate on the lyrics
Everyone was convinced we'd call her Jarvis if it was a boy, but there's no way my wife would have let me! Her name is Emmie. And yes, Candida was also a no-no!
When I was about 13 I was in the car with my grandma, grandad and one of my cousins listening to a Pulp tape I'd compiled. My dad angryly turned it off half way through 'His N Hers' (the song not the album). It took me a while to realise why he'd done that!