It's commonly suggested that the Party Hard lyrics are about growing tired of going out and getting wasted as you reach middle age but there's a few lyrics which I've always wondered fit into the context of the song:
"I was having a whale of a time, until your uncle...your uncle psychosis arrived"
"I'm here whenever you need me, whenever you need me...well I won't be here"
Yeah - I think it's 'Uncle Psychosis' rather than 'uncle psychosis'... that the state of psychosis was being personified as an old, unwelcome visitor who just won't take the hint and leave, if you get my gist.
Also, the use of a family designation might even suggest that (a) there's some unshakable predisposition to psychosis in the narrator's genetic make-up; and that (b), even if you do manage to kick him out, there's always a chance that old Uncle Psychosis will be back. With his grubby suitcase.
I thought No. 2 is a bit of the whole "you're my best mate you, I love you, I'll always be here for you" without actually meaning it...
I tend to agree. I think it has elements of 'How I'm nicer the first time you meet than the next' line from The Professional in it. The narrator, who we presume is Jarvis, is essentially unreliable despite having high ideals. It also contains traces of the bitterness expressed in Sorted for rave culture; 'It's 6 O'clock I wanna go home but it's "No way, not today" makes you wonder what it meant?'. It definitely forms part of the self loathing suite of songs from the TIH period.
When you go through unstable mental times you get fed up of the mental contortions your mind tries to go through all the time, you just want a rest from all that crap in your head. When people get drunk or however else wasted, they can have a tendency to come over all maudlin and sufficiently disinhibited to heap all their problems on you (your uncle Psychosis arrived) and he is trying get away from all that, at least for a night ("If you didn't come to party then why did you come here?" and "And I don't need to hear your stories again, just get on the floor & show me what you're made of."). Then, I always seem to be the one you latch onto in those moods, but no, I'm going to clear off if you start on that again (I'm here whenever you need me & whenever you need me I won't be here).
We'll use the one thing we've got more of, that's our minds.