Something I'd like to have peoples point of view on... Just looking at the ultimate poll results so far. People either rate Jarvis middle to high or it's second bottom above "FC". I can understand the issue with FC although I personally like it - it's very different musically to Pulp so Pulp fans won't necessarily like it. But Jarvis to me sounds like a Pulp album, but an above average one, with songs like Tonite, Big Julie and Don't Let Him Waste Your Time sounding better to me than anything on the first three albums...
I like it very much. So I suppose my point of view is not that interesting if you are looking to find out the reasons why people don't like it? But I shall spout it anyway. My favourite track is probably Quantum Theory - 'somewhere fish do not have bones' - absolute genuis! Least Favourite track is From Auschwich to Ipswich. This song has always given me the creeps, as I remember it was released around the same time that nutter was murdering prostitutes in the Ipswich area, and now I can't let go of the negative association (plus it's a bit whiney).
I don't like it that much since it sounds so safe. There isn't a real edge to it. "Further Complications" had it and also the better Pulp albums had it. The Relaxed Muscle record is more interesting, because it departs so much from his earlier sound.
This is the sound of someone losing the plot, making out that they are okay when they are not. You're gonna like it, but not a lot.
Its too long I find. But I like it. Ive never probably listened to it all the way through, like sat and listen. Where as Further COmplications I blasted that for months when it came out - possibly gearing up for the tour that was too come.....
The best thing about it, to me, is that Jarvis learned how to play the piano for it, which differentiated the sound enough from late-era Pulp. I love ''I Will Kill Again'' and ''Disney Time''. It does betray encroaching middle-age a bit, plodding at times and it probably suffers, as does We Love Life a little, by trying to be too varied - the pop song, the fast one, the acoustic guitar one, the sampled rocker etc. He should have put The Big Stuff on it instead of From A To I or Tonite maybe, and the full Loss Adjuster (I think I'd take that as an album closer over Quantum Theory). And ''Cunts...'' being a hidden, nay, buried, track was a bit of a cop-out. Overall, solid but a little underwhelming. I just find Further Complications much more fun and interesting.
yeah its a little adult - mor - contemporary - but then again and Jarvis has said this - he is an adult, he is middle aged, he is a dad. I like it but usually if I put it on, I put on Fat Children, jump around and then turn it off. But he could burp and I'd still love it and buy it the day it was released...
It's too trad, and it feels like a step backwards - something you can't say about any of his previous albums. Still, it's pretty good overall, certainly better than Further Complications.
I'm not sure if I'm in a minority on here in really liking 80s Pulp, it seems to be a perhaps 50-50 split, but I'd much rather listen to Aborigine, Rattlesnake, Blue Girls, Being Followed Home, Countdown, Mark Of The Devil, Don't You Know, My Legendary Girlfriend and a fair few other songs than play anything from the post-Pulp era.
-- Edited by weej on Friday 23rd of September 2011 01:21:03 PM
I was a pretty big fan when it came out, though I haven't listened to any solo Jarvis in a while. I was just so glad he was back and writing top-quality lyrics. I think that album captures the zeitgeist pretty well. I like the pastoral sound. Loud doesn't always automatically equal edgy.
I agree with you on that Mike, loud doesn't equal edgy at all. But this one was a bit too middle of the road. But even 'Battered' from the Relaxed Muscle one, which is a mellow track, is better than anything from that period, except for One Man Show, Lost Adjuster and Running The World.
This is the sound of someone losing the plot, making out that they are okay when they are not. You're gonna like it, but not a lot.
I agree that Big Stuff should have been included instead of Tonite, but I think apart from Tonite, it's a strong album. Let's be honest 'let's go take some drugs & let's go have some sex' would be a shit line by Liam Gallagher's standards, let alone Jarvis'. I also hate the way Running The World is such a pain in the arse to get to, as it's truely superb. I like A To I very much, I even played it live once. Also, Heavy Weather, I Will Kill Again, Disney Time & Big Julie are fantastic songs & really well sung. Fat Children WOULD be brilliant, but the second half drags too much. Baby's Coming Back To Me is terrible, tho'. The arrangement, the lyrics & the melody all grate on me. I don't like Black Magic either. Quantum Theory is a great song, I agree with Anet it's bordering on genius. But I can't listen to it at all because of personal events it reminds me of so I guess I'd take full-on Loss Adjuster over it! Over all, I found it to be a worthy Jarvis album & I listened the hell out of it when it was released. But I don't listen to it much now, because thru no fault of its own it wound up as the soundtrack to some of the worst years of my life! 'Stormy weather always makes me think of you' is a pretty damned apt lyric.
I agree with others that it's just a bit...slick. I do think 'Fat Children' is one of the best solo tracks he's done, though. Don't Let Him Waste Your Time is also pretty lovely, but it's just not as exciting or memorable as 'Further Complications' to my ears...
Disney Time is one of my favourite tracks of-or-about Pulpiness, as is I Will Kill Again, and From A To I. My problem is I find a fair few tracks a bit... muddy middle of the road style. I also love Quantum Theory, but still haven't got round to removing the 'hidden' bit off the MP3, so it never makes any of my playlists. I prefer Jarvis to FC, much prefer...
Dear God, every time I come on this board I wind up making a new playlist... and I have work to do!
-- Edited by Ste on Friday 23rd of September 2011 09:18:06 PM
I got the short edit of QT when I signed up to emusic, got 35 free tracks (it's usually 25 but there's a code online somewhere to get 35) then got that, all of mm.. Food by mf doom, several other tracks then cancelled the membership. Free music!
I appreciate "Jarvis" more now than when it came out. But waiting 30 min for the best song is almost not worth it. I like when Jarvis is provocative and indecent. There's not so much of that on TJCR..sadly.
I personally really like all the songs of the jarvis cocker record but I think Quantum Theory and cunts are still running the world are my favorites. have to say the 30 second loss adjusters are a but lost on me but I suppose it makes a nice addition when listening to the album in full
Interesting thread. Personally I love it probably because I think it has a Pulp-y feel at times like during the chorus of A to I with the keyboards. I never got into FC but i should give it another go. I undestand people enjoying hearing Jarvis explore new sounds but shamefully the reason i pulled away from FC was likely because it wasnt Pulpy. I also like Tonite though i do concede that the lyrics may not always be the best. Dont Let Him Waste Your Time is my fave and i loved Nancy Sinatra singing it too. Other highlights are Baby's Coming Back to Me, Running the World, Big Julie, Disney Time, and I thought Fat Children worked very well live. Big thumbs up from me. It was an exciting time overall as the deluxe Pulp albums had been out just a few months previous and I wasnt a member here and hadnt heard all the b-sides and oddities. I did have some but not all. It was just great to see Jarvis again
I had to log back in as I am mortified by my omission... I forgot I Will Kill Again. I love that one too. Listening to the album now. I must get round to uploading FC to my ipod and try it again
It was an exciting time overall as the deluxe Pulp albums had been out just a few months previous
Yes, I forgot about that. The three deluxe reissues, TJCR, The Pulp Peel Sessions and the Charlotte Gainsborough album. Possibly more! It was a cool time, especially after five years of mostly reclusiveness.