Hi, tall order but I don't suppose anyone recorded the pop Quiz with Jarvis? (and would be kind enough to somehow share it) . other than the clips on the story of common people, I haven't actually seen it. cheers in advance
Brilliant! Does anyone have him doing Stars in Their Eyes? And presenting Top of the Pops?
I have both of those. For the Top of the Pops appearances, the picture quality isn't very good, probably similar to Pop Quiz above. I thought Jarvis on Celebrity Stars in Their Eyes would be on YouTube already, but I can't see it. If you're interested, I'd be happy to share both programmes when I have time.
I have all sorts of random Jarvis appearances from the 90's on video. But where exactly is an issue. If I ever get round to organising them, it'll be a treat.
I'm pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty sure Jarvis was on Shooting Stars twice. First time he didn't say or do much, second time was the infamous pulling the rope gag.
Indeed, he appeared twice. The one with him pulling the rope and throwing mini Babybels into Judy Finnigan's mouth is the '96 Christmas Special. Both complete episodes appear to be on YouTube if you search.
I have all sorts of random Jarvis appearances from the 90's on video. But where exactly is an issue. If I ever get round to organising them, it'll be a treat.
Me too. I have been searching for my tapes although not too seriously. I'll put more of an effort in. My copy of Pop Quiz is better but only has a mono soundtrack as we didn't have a stereo video recorder. When did I grow up, the stone age?