Right, drifting into the realms of proper trainspotting now, but what better place than here to do it?
Some of you may have noticed that Will has been busily transcribing lots of old Pulp People newsletters for Pulpwiki. The second of these, evidently put together at some point during the Babies sessions, has the following comment from Mark:
"As I write, the group are downstairs recording some new tracks for a single that they hope to release sometime around September of this year...the songs are "Babies", "She's A Lady", "StyloRock" and "Sheffield, Sex City" (dig that for a title! It's kind of a sequel to "My Legendary Girlfriend"). Anyways, it's gonna be great and we'll tell you all about it later"
Now obviously Babies, Styloroc and Sheffield Sex City all made it onto the Babies EP shortly thereafter, but I've never seen a hint before that they attempted She's a Lady in the same sessions. If this actually happened, and it wasn't just something on the 'to do' list at that point that they didn't get round to actually doing, it would have to be a totally different recording than the His'n'Hers version - maybe a bit closer to the violin-soaked epic that was part of the live set circa '92. A tantalising thought...
"Yes I saw her in the chip shop / so I said get yer top off"
Damn. That is exactly what I would love to hear. That and the scuppered single mix of Pink Glove (if it was ever actually produced?). Wish that'd been a single.
and I would really really love to hear the remaining songs from the Island demo that aren't floating around, Glass and Razzmatazz... Or the Lipgloss demo from may 93 Or Have you seen her lately from july 93. Actually all studio recordings between 92 and 94. One can dream... :)
I really thought that the reunion shows (well maybe the indoor Pulp only shows) were primed for a Russell domineering violin extended intro to She's A Lady.