Oh, and singing and playing the violin at the same time requires a special skill ;)
I can see why that might be awkward...
Fairground holds a special place in my heart because around the same time I was investigating Pulps back catalogue I had a hamster (Tiny - RIP, sister bought a hamster, gave birth week later, all got given away to friends, I got the runt of the litter that outlived them all, but I digress).
Anyway, whenever I played Fairground little Tiny would sit at the edge of his cage, staring at the nearest speaker and quiver for the entire length of the song.
I wasn't a nasty little fucker so I eventually started using headphones (when the novelty wore off...)
(cut and pasted from an interview posted on an earlier Bar Italia thread, circa '96)
S: Are you ever going to lead vocals on a Pulp song again?
Russell: I doubt it. Yeah, I can't really see...I didn't really enjoy singing very much. Well, I didn't really sing. I mean the spoken stuff was alright, but whenever it got to singing, I thought it to be very uncomfortable.
S: Did you sing live?
Russell: Yeah, yeah I did-
B: Some of our favorite songs are 'Anorexic Beauty' and all that stuff.
Russell: Well, yeah I mean, I'm not ashamed of anything. I mean, I think they were good and right at the time. But I just can't imagine it again.
this may sound slightly strange but I love Russell's voice! So much so that a highlight of Thursdays Brixton was when he said he wasn't wearing any lipgloss into the mic.
I really couldn't imagine Russell providing vocals for anything from "OU" onwards. I am not slagging him off or anything but I don't think his voice would fit, even when it comes to the spoken tracks like "Inside Susan" and "Deep Fried In Kelvin".
fredthe3rd wrote:Anorexic Beauty Fairground Srpski Jeb This House Is Condemned
Don't forget Coy Mistress and The Will to Power! He also shared vocals with Jarvis on early live versions of Being Followed Home, and I believe had some input into the lyrics of things like Maureen and Back in LA.
I do agree that, unique and special as they were, his vocals / lyrics wouldn't have really fit with the latter day Pulp stuff.
"Yes I saw her in the chip shop / so I said get yer top off"
I urge all pet owners to try this. Unless you've got fish of course. Don't waste your time if you've got fish.
True enough. I quite reasonably expected mine to relate to a song like 'Duck Diving', but in the end they pretty much wondered what all the fuss was about.