I've been scouring the internet for the original version of this photo in a higher quality and bigger size. Wanted to use it for a pet project but the current dimensions won't do. Came across this forum through acrylicafternoon.com and figured I'd give asking you all a shot. Is this from a photoshoot? An interview? Any information will do. Here's the image:
I don't think it was taken specifically for that cover though - they'll have pulled it out of the archives for it as it was all very last-minute. So I guess it will be from an NME feature from shortly beforehand. A trawl through the press archive on Acrylic Afternoons should do it.
"Yes I saw her in the chip shop / so I said get yer top off"
Thank you for the help everyone! I was able to find that it is from the 1996 Jacko-Brits copy of NME but I guess tracking down the image is going to be tough. Once again, thank you!