I think this might be a slightly better sounding version than usual of the famous Dec '84 Leadmill show with Snow etc. Still lots of hiss and clicks, but it's a modest improvement on the other copies I've heard.
If anyone has a better sounding version, please let us know!
"Yes I saw her in the chip shop / so I said get yer top off"
Nope, no cleaning up work from me - this is the show exactly as it came to me (well, except for converting it to MP3). I think it's probably 1 tape generation closer to the source than the copy that used to be available through Giraffe Audio/Video, which in turn is where I think most other people's copies have always stemmed from.
"Yes I saw her in the chip shop / so I said get yer top off"
Pulp Fan wrote:Plese repost the music Anorexic Beauty, the link for that song doesn't work.
Hi there - I've just tried downloading it and it seems to work fine for me. If you're having no luck, PM me with your email address and I'll send it to you.
"Yes I saw her in the chip shop / so I said get yer top off"
In case of historically bootleg recordings such as this, the distribution is only from 'someone else'. Then, it's quite important to be sure that the redistribution of an original copy is always available, as long as to locate to original distributor is harder than to buy an original copy of an official recording.
Thanks so much for this! I'm new to the site (but not to the music) and I have to say I am impressed by the sharing. I wish I had something to give back for all the stuff I've cadged off various links here and the yahoo account, but I figure at the least I can give you all a hearty merci!