Not that anyone seems to care based on the view count and lack of the responses on this thread, but Jarvis is in the movie.
I just finished watching it. Jarvis plays himself. His appearance is quite strange and distracting. He's supposed to be the voice of profundity or something.
-- Edited by Fuss Free on Sunday 15th of November 2009 06:02:31 AM
I started to watch this movie on cable a few months ago, but didn't get far enough to see Jarvis. I remember reading about when it came out, and the whole thing sounded pretty strange, especially Jarvis' involvement.
its a bad movie - Gwyneth is in and I think it implies she was going out with Jarvis (her character) but then ended up going out with the lead character - I have it somewhere - its not memorable but alright for an afternoons viewing. Has the guy from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in it.