Afterall, Pulp's work has already been the subject of at least one masters student's thesis*. This honorary doctorate will lend some credibility to others who want to study Jarvis' oeuvre.
*Just in case you're curious, master's student Nikki Dibben shows us that we all chose the wrong major:
1- Construction and Critique of the authentic pop icon in music and cover art of Pulp's This is Hardcore; Nikki Dibben. Sheffield University Press (2000)
2- Sex, Pulp and Critique; Eric F. Clarke and Nicola Dibben, Popular Music, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Apr., 2000), pp. 231-241 Published by: Cambridge University Press
3- Pulp, Pornography and Spectatorship: Subject Matter and Subject Position in Pulp's 'This Is Hardcore. Nicola Dibben. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, Vol. 126, No. 1 (2001), pp. 83-106. Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of the Royal Musical Association
One wonders, could she be the 'Nikki' of Watching Nicki and/or Happy Birthday Nicola?
-- Edited by Fuss Free on Tuesday 13th of October 2009 04:32:15 AM
Now when we're namedropping Doctors wasn't Albert into Dr. Feelgood? or maybe he still are.(sorry this has of cores very little to do with the subject)
-- Edited by Perfect on Wednesday 14th of October 2009 02:29:26 PM