The Pulp frontman said that he's written a handful of tracks that may become part of the score for an animated children's film Anderson is directing that is an adaptation of Roald Dahl's 'Fantastic Mr. Fox'.
Speaking to Time Out Chicago prior to his appearance at the Pitchfork Festival there this weekend, Cocker said, "Ive been doing some stuff for a childrens film Wes Anderson is doing, an animated feature. Ive written three, four songs, and some of that might become bits of the score."
Anderson, who wrote and directed 'Rushmore', 'The Royal Tenenbaums' and 'The Darjeeling Limited', has used artists including The Kinks, The Rolling Stones and The Who on his soundtracks and collaborated with Devo's Mark Mothersbaugh on his films' original scores.
Fucking rites, Wes Anderson makes fantastic films with even better soundtracks so this really can't go too wrong and could in fact be absolutely lovely.