Hmm, I think Emma and Dorian are from Sheffield. Possibly Cathryn and Screech as well? The only one who I'm certain isn't is Kate.
Not that I'm an enormously huge fan of the Long Blondes really, just being a trainspotter. Also, Dorian is very very ill at the moment so we should be nice about them.
"Yes I saw her in the chip shop / so I said get yer top off"
Jesus, that is a crying shame. I've finally got round to playing their second album quite a bit over the last couple of weeks. Very under-rated. I think with a bit of coaxing with the right producer they could have been a very succesful intelligent pop band of their kind (of the Pulp and Franz Ferdinand type).
I hadn't realised Dorian was in such a bad way. Considering he wrote at least 90% of their output, they were obviously in limbo. Hope he makes a full recovery.