I noticed that this video was nowhere on Youtube, (at least I couldn't find it) so I uploaded it. Being the first file I have ever uploaded to youtube, I am not sure about the size limitation, and I had to compress it and now quality is not the best. Enjoy
Good work. Strange thing, I'm sure this video used to be on YouTube several times over. Wonder if Fire Records have been cease-and-desisting people?
Unlikely. Isn't the whole point of a "promo" video to make the music more accessible? I know the industry is getting desparate in these endtimes, but it seems counterproductive to pull promos off the internet. I've never heard of bands or their labels getting any residuals for music videos. Indeed, there was once a time when labels actually paid to get the videos on TV.
Two users had posted that video before. One only had a partial clip, like VoxPop's...but someone else actually posted the full 7 mins! Both of them were removed for some reason...(!)
Actually, it can't be Fire - if you look on their website, there's a videos page, the Pulp content for which is a couple of (now non-functional) Youtube links for the Legendary Girlfriend vid. So it wouldn't make sense for them to be making Youtube take the vid down. See http://firerecords.com/site/index.php?page=video&videoid=6
"Yes I saw her in the chip shop / so I said get yer top off"
I've heard on the grapevine that MTV have a problem with videos being posted on YouTube that have their logo on the screen...perhaps this is why both those old vids were taken off, as they were both taken from "120 Minutes" from what I remember.
I've seen other non-Pulp videos in the past taken from MTV broadcasts be removed now I think of it.
Yeah, like the tides in the ocean, this "cleanshaven to the point of albino" classic Pulp video continues to come and go on YouTube, still a favorite. Thanks Vox, your rip is still on YT, Fire Records BETTER not C&D it!