Was shopping for sneakers today and found a magazine I've never heard of before with Jarvis on the cover. If you go here, and click on the link on "Jarvis Cocker," you can read the whole interview, including some stuff that didn't make it to the print version. Some interesting info in there.
"I invented this alter ego, Darren Spooner, and gave him all the negative attributes I could think of, maybe in the hope that by doing that I could let him be the nasty guy, and it would allow me to be a nice person. Plus, it was also quite good fun, shouting and saying quite offensive things. And that was good for awhile, but then I think I realized that really Darren was part of me. Darren is my dark side. Its like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. And so I couldnt just let Darren roam the streets as a separate entity. I had to somehow absorb him back in and I think thats what you hear on my record, really. Theres some kind of recognition of the darker sides of human nature. Also, a kind of recognition that without that dark side, life would be pretty dull. So, its kind of weird, because it is the destructive urge within people, but somehow that struggle between the two sides of yourself is what creates things. I think if you give yourself over completely to one side or the other, you become fairly creatively inert. And the interest is in the struggle, I think. Thats life, isnt it?"
Once again Jarvis provides great responses to a bunch of terrible questions. This stuff is interview gold, but it's as if the interviewer is too busy fussing over his tape recorder to actually listen to or absorb any of the great stuff Jarvis is saying: "Oh right, you're finished... right... paradoxes... good... ah... next question... oh yeah... uh...ask about kids... right... What's it like having kids?".
Maybe it's the Parisien influence, but you can practically hear Jarvis reaching out to his interveiwer to engage him in some kind of interesting discussion. A real journalist would savor the chance to talk to a guy as opinionated and articulate as Jarvis... ah, but we live in the age of the teenage blogger...
More importantly, it would appear Jarvis is planning another American tour. Rejoice.
Well, I had thought it was implied at the end of the article:
"...And since then I've been a very good boy! Which is just as well, really seeing as we're supposed to be coming to America shortly and they don't really look upon it very kindly if you've got a criminal record. They generally don't give you a visa."
But now that I read it again, it appears the interview was probably conducted back in March or April, before his American tour kicked off but just after Meltdown was announced. Why would a magazine sit on an interview for 5 months and then turn it into a cover story?