I need some help. I'm going to Argentina next November. I'd like to ask about clubs and partys to go there. Can any Pulp fan help me? My email is: jflosilla@hotmail.com
Hi! im a pulp fan from argentina, sorry about my engish... i used to live in buenos aires, ive lived there a few years ago and knew places where they played brit pop... but im not sure if those places are still open. Anyway you should check this adress http://www.losinrockuptibles.com/agenda.htm if there is something of your interest you should find it there... ill try to find out if those places are stil open, ill ask my friends in buenos aires and ill tell you.
Acabo de ver que sos de Tarragona, asi que te escribo en espaņol!, voy a tratar de averiguar si esos lugares siguen abiertos, estaban muy buenos... no dejes de checkear ese link q te pase, ahi figuran todos los shows y lugares de buenos aires... te dejo mi email hernangalvan79@hotmail.com, de todas maneras voy a preguntarles a mis amigos en buenos aires si esos lugares aun existen. Saludos.