Like moths to a flame, or London buses, suddenly from nowhere, one time Pulp members from the grey and misty past have begun to pop up round these parts. After Mr Manners' arrival to this message board recently, I have now discovered that Steve Mackey's predecessor on bass guitar for Pulp has begun posting on Richard Hawley's forum.
Here's his introduction: Thought I'd send a quick message to the forum introducing myself to you all. I've been viewing the Hawley Forum for the last couple of years as I like Richard's music & have a keen interest in all good things which come out of my hometown, Sheffield. I'm currently living in Cornwall with my wife & kiddies having left Sheffield over 15 years ago. Whilst I was up North I was actively involved in the Sheffield scene with Pulp & another band called Lay of the Land which featured Rob Mitchell (RIP) & Steve Beckett, the founders of Warp. I'm looking forward to having a chat with members of the Forum from now on & wish you all the very best. All the best Steven Havenhand.
and a nice word or two on Jarvis:
I always found him to be very personable & a pleasure to be around. Total one off, I wish him well. One of my fave people I've met... My mum liked him. He came round for tea at our house before we played the take two in Atterciffe in 1987 (I think) - she still sends me cuttings from the The Sheffield Star whenever he's in. I saw him on The South Bank Show recently & fame doesn't appear to have changed him at all, he's still funny - I liked the bit where he was talking about the wall & the paint not quite matching up , Jarvis to a tee.
He's making music with some family and friends at the moment, not a million miles away from a Pulp type sound - their site is ; His signature tag-line thingy at the end of his posts says "Ex-Pulp and proud" which is a nice touch.
Time for Sturdy to get the 'Revised and Updated 5th Anniversary Truth & Beauty' book out methinks. And maybe find out did he really play the bass that quietly.
Steven came along to the book launch party at the Washington in 2003 - there's a picture of him and Nick together on my website. I'd been trying to contact him for years without success, then he emailed me out of the blue about a week after I'd finished! He seemed like a jolly nice bloke.
You can judge for yourself how quietly he played the bass if you've got the live recording of My First Wife from Nottingham, or the Limit '87 tape. Not particularly quiet really, although he never really seems to lay into it the same way Mr Mackey did...
Five year anniversary edition would seem unlikely - maybe we'll when we get to the 10th anniversary!
"Yes I saw her in the chip shop / so I said get yer top off"
Has it really been 5 years? Blimey, Doesn't time fly when you're doing f-all with ya life!
In regards to Mr Havenhand, I think it's really nice that he, like Pete chooses to embrase these lovely forums. They're are a great source of information, that forums thrive off. That is as long as they don't mind being bombarded with questions!
Thought my ears were burning. Yes, I am back to making music, if that's what you want to call it. My 4 track is cranked up & ready to rock. "I wanna" is my new song...rock and roll & all that.Love from Steven Havenhand.