Yeah, the same person has ripped almost everything off the DVD and put it up. Tut-tut. She hasn't found a way round posting the 'TV Madness' section (arguably the best bit on the Hits DVD) as it's twice the length of individually allowed youtube clips. Ha.
Multi region DVD players. I've said it before to the US/Canada fans. Walmart sells cheap $40 dvd payers. The cheaper the player the better. And these cheap players will play everything! Even if they last two years (at most) they only cost $40 bucks. Its worth it as the HITS dvd really is an awesome collection.
First off, the Hits DVD is region free (0). It will work in any DVD player, including the one on your computer. In the old days of VHS, you wouldn't get a PAL video to work on an NTSC tv, but that's no longer the case with digital video (ie DVD). It may be possible that some old pre-digital-ready TVs might still have a problem playing the PAL video, but I have not had a problem. I've played my copy on several tvs, in several DVD players, and I've leant out to friends who haven't had any complaints.
Secondly, for the record, you can buy a region-free DVD player for $24 at Walmart. The cheapest DVD players are the easiest to crack. All you need to do is google the model number and you'll find the crack code. At most, it might take an hour's research. It never hurts to have one. Then you can watch all those awesome Korean horror movies before they get turned into crappy American remakes.
The only bad thing about the Hits DVD is the macrovision copy protection. If you run your DVD player through a stereo system or a VHS player, the video overmodulates. I hate that shit.
FYI - Pulp Ultimate Live is region 2. That's the one you'll need a region-free DVD player to watch.
I thought I had seen that vid before! i couldn't think where i'd seen it and now i see the answer was right under my nose all along!
I find myself typing 'Pulp' or 'Jarvis Cocker' into you tube about twice a week. I'm at risk of sounding way older than I am when i say this but isn't it great we have all this stuff at our finger tips now!
Remember when all I had was a handful of bootlegs and the 'Sorted for Films and Vids' video (which I was arrested for, the first time I tried to obtain it! But that's another story for another thread one day)
weed wrote:I'm at risk of sounding way older than I am when i say this but remember when all I had was a handful of bootlegs and the 'Sorted for Films and Vids' video
hehe same here. i tracked this Sorted video for weeks and when i finally found it it was like THE find of the year. kids these days, uh, they just have to google it.