Just found this on YouTube. I don't know if it has been documented here or not by whoever posted it there, but I thought it was worth mentioning anyway!
As for my "efforts"... There wasn't much to it, really.
I've been trying to improve my skills with Adobe Pinnacle (low-end digital editing software). I was trying to match some transition effects to the pace of the song, but the wonkiness of Pinnacle makes doing rythmic transitions very difficult to execute. I spent a few frustrated hours on it, then realized I was only about 45 seconds into the song, and I just gave up.
I put the video up on You Tube so I could embed it in my blog. Thought it might be a nice surprise for the people who haven't heard of the song before. Never thought anyone on this message board would care though, since the mp3's been in the Bar Italia account for over a year.
I've used Pulp music in other videos too, some more successfully than others. I made a pretty nifty video with the Extended Version of Countdown, but the only existing copy of it is on an old Mac OS Jazz Disk. Remember Jazz disks?
I have an idea for "Can I Have My Balls Back, Please". One of these days I might make it.